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Got a CRM? If So, You Need a F.O.R.D.

May 20 2019

Leads turn into Prospects turn into Clients turn into Closings turn into Commissions

interconnectSounds so simple when you look at sales with the above formula, but we all know it's really not that simple! Many things have to happen from the time you get that lead until you finally get the commission. I believe it's not contact relationship management, but rather relationship marketing.

Let's do a deep dive into this. The biggest difference between management and marketing is that marketing elevates relationships by building trust to a higher level, and maybe even to friendship.

Let's bring the F.O.R.D. system in and examine how it can help build relationships. This system will work with any CRM you are using, including 3x5 cards, on your phone—it doesn't matter. Here we go:

  • Family – Spouse's name, children, pets and other folks important in the process
  • Organizations – Find out if they spend time with a group, charity, religion, etc.
  • Recreation – Involved in sports, gym, fun activity?
  • Dreams – Where or what are their dreams? Vacations, retirement, etc.

In past seminars, I have divided the room into pairs and asked one group to leave the room. I then explained how the F.O.R.D. system worked to the ones that stayed in the room. I then bought the other group back into the room to try it for a three-minute conversation. Each person was tasked to capture as many of the points from the F.O.R.D. system without beating the person with a rubber hose. I gave those working the F.O.R.D. system a few minutes to document what they had learned.

We went around the room and asked those who knew the system to share what they learned and then ask the person not knowing about the system whether it was a conversation or interrogation. It always amazes me the number of friendships that started that day from practicing the F.O.R.D!

When I am working with a group, I illustrate by bumping my fist together meaning a connection has happened. Maybe your lead shares one thing that connects to you and bang we have a fist bump! Practice this with people you meet. Before long, it will just come naturally.

The most important part of using the F.O.R.D. system is documenting the information you collected into a CRM. This provides great ice breakers and lets the person you are working with know they are important to you not only as a business relationship, but as a person.

Dick Betts is the National Director of Seminars, New Home Co-Broker Academy. Learn more at www.DickBetts.com.